Roy 双语例句
It is impossible not to admire arundhati roy . 不佩服阿伦德哈伦罗伊是不可能的。 Roy and I did our groundwork . 罗伊和我也有做些基本功。 Sir roy ends with the church facing an uncertain future in the 21st century . 罗伊爵士在书的结尾认为,二十一世纪的教堂命运难料。 Or perhaps more truck owners will follow the example of the pioneering roy choi . 或许更多的流动餐车经营者会步开先河之风的罗伊崔的后尘。 Roy keane is not really sure how much he is enjoying this management lark . 罗伊基恩(roykeane)真的不确定是否喜欢管理这个行当。