Rosalie 双语例句
Rosalie , come on , if you 're coming . 罗莎莉,快点啊,要是你还想一起来的话. Edward 's sister rosalie , who performed a massacre that sounds like kill bill with vampires . 爱华的妹妹罗莎(rosalie)搞过一次大屠杀,基本上就是《杀死比尔》(killbill)的吸血鬼版。 I spoke to rosalie this morning . 我今天早上跟罗莎莉谈过。 It 's the best spaghetti ever , rosalie . 这是我吃过最好的肉酱面了,罗莎莉。 Rosalie was lisa 's mother 's name and that was what we had been planning to call the girl we never had . 丽莎的母亲名叫做罗莎莉,我们已打算把我们未曾谋面的女孩取名为罗莉莎。