Rockville 双语例句
Today clifford is secretary of the capital pc user group in rockville . 现在克利福德是洛克维尔首都个人电脑用户协会的秘书。 Supplemented with takeout from joe 's noodle house in rockville . 并辅以从洛克维尔的乔家面馆带来的外卖。 She led the team from rockville high school in maryland last year . 她带领团队去年在美国马里兰州罗克维尔高中。 A train is surrounded by heavy fog as it crosses the rockville bridge over the susquehanna river in pennsylvania , usa 美国,宾夕法尼亚州:一辆火车穿过大雾中的哈纳河上的洛克维尔大桥 Long island fitness trainer training courses boxing in suffolk , nassau , queens , new york , " the " heart of the heart and blood vessels from long beach island park oceanside rockville centre . 长岛拳击教练的健身训练课萨福克郡皇后区纽约拿骚心血管心岛公园长滩赛德洛克维尔中心。