Rainie 双语例句
Short-hair Rainie , had the aura all around her . 一头短发的杨丞琳,看起来颇有气场。 Rainie confess that the divorce between her parents did leave some emotional shadows but she doesn \'t hate her father for that . 杨丞琳坦言父母离异给她造成极大心理阴影,但是懂事的她“从来没有恨过爸爸”。 Rainie Yang plays as a girl named Sunny who is forced to work as a housemaid to repay the huge debt incurred by her runaway foster parents . 讲述天真善良的女生阳光(杨丞琳饰)因养父母欠下巨债后逃跑了,遂答应债主去当女佣赚钱来替他们还债。 In this dance , Rainie and her coach would have intimate encounters , the coach would also have to carry her here and there , both must have a certain level of chemistry . 在这支舞蹈中,杨丞琳和猛男教练有亲密接触,教练还需要把她扛来扛去,两人默契十足。