- abbr. Royal Naval Air Service <英国>皇家海军航空队;Royal Naval Air Station 皇家海军航空兵基地
RNAs 双语例句
It turned out that such " small rnas " can interfere with messenger rna , destabilizing it . 原来,这些“小rna”能与信使rna的干扰,破坏了它。 The lizard peninsula is a flat elevated promontory that hosts the world 's largest satellite earth station ( goonhilly down ) as well as rnas culdrose , a vast naval air station . 利扎德半岛是一块隆起的海角,地势平整,上有世界最大的goonhillydown卫星地面站和规模巨大的英国皇家海军航空兵站。