Qualcomm 双语例句
On knitting , woven class fashion , casual wear , denim , etc.are Qualcomm . 对针织、梭织类时时装、休闲装、牛仔等很通。 Arm [ a competing mobile chip architecture , used by Qualcomm ] is more efficient . ARM(高通采用的竞争性移动芯片架构)更高效。 ( hint : pretty much anything and everything Qualcomm can embed its chips into . ) (请参看:《包罗万象,无所不能,看高通在嵌入式芯片领域大展身手》一文。) Qualcomm collects royalties on nearly every modern smartphone sold on the market today . 目前市面上出售的几乎每一部智能手机都要向高通支付专利使用费。 It was not clear if the Qualcomm case was part of this widening . 现在还不清楚高通的案子是否属于此次拓展范围。