Pru 双语例句
A final irony here is that incrementalism has served the pru well so far in asia . 在这方面,具有讽刺意味的最后一点是,迄今为止,渐进主义让保诚在亚洲受益匪浅。 Come on , pru . What 's going on ? 快出来,普鲁登丝发生了什么事? Yet the question remains whether institutional pressure to prevent the pru overpaying for aia is well directed . 然而问题仍然在于,机构为阻止保诚溢价收购友邦而施压是否有道理。 So there is an acceptable plan b. if the pru has to fall back on that , thank goodness for shareholder activism . 如果保诚不得不依赖该计划,那就是多亏了股东维权主义。 And they are right : the risks are clearly excessive at the price the pru was intending to pay . 他们是正确的:按保诚打算支付的价格衡量,风险显然过大。