英 ['plæstɪsaɪzə]
美 ['plæstɪsaɪzə]
Plasticizer 双语例句
In military terms c-4 is also referred to as pe4 or t4 , depending on the type of plasticizer used for the explosive mix . 军事上,根据其加入的可塑剂种类的不同,c-4也被称为pe4或者t4。 The china alcohol association said monday that most of china 's domestically produced white spirits contain plasticizer emanating from plastic lining on caps or from production piping , but levels are within allowable limits . 中国酒业协会周一表示,中国国内生产的白酒中含有的塑化剂大都来自成品酒塑料内盖或塑料输酒管,但塑化剂含量都在允许的范围之内。 A report in the guangzhou-based newspaper 21st century business herald led to an investigation by china 's food safety regulator , which confirmed excessive levels of the plasticizer dibutyl phthalate in several of the company 's products . 总部设在广州的报纸《21世纪经济报道》(21stCenturyBusinessHerald)的相关报道促使中国食品监管部门展开了调查,证实酒鬼酒的几种白酒产品塑化剂邻苯二甲酸二丁酯含量超标。