Pfizer 双语例句
Many u.s. multinationals , from pfizer ( pfe ) to facebook , have based their european headquarters in ireland . 从辉瑞(Pfizer)到Facebook,很多美国的跨国公司都已在爱尔兰设立了欧洲总部。 Pfizer , as a result , lowered its 2012 outlook . 为此,辉瑞公司下调了2012年业绩预期。 And it 's a sweet deal for pfizer as well . 这对pfizer而言也是一项甜美的交易。 So pfizer have moved their research and development of drugs to asia , where there are brilliant young people who are amazing at developing drugs . 所以pfizer公司已经把他们药品研发中心,搬到了这片拥有很多对开发药品充满热情的年轻人的土地亚洲。 The cost of providing a children 's form of viagra would be a pittance compared to the profits that pfizer would reap . 同pfizer从该协议中可获取的利润相比,提供为儿童设计的“伟哥”的成本简直是小额施舍。