- [地名] [刚果共和国、加拿大、尼日利亚] 奥卡;[地名] [俄罗斯、刚果民主共和国] 奥卡河
Oka 双语例句
Oka says most just want to support their families . 奥卡说,大多数人只不过是为了养家糊口。 Mr. oka said most just want to support their families . 奥卡先生说,大多数人只是为了养家。 " There isn 't so much a feeling of guilt on our part . What 's wrong with working for someone who 's offered you a job ? " Mr. oka said . 奥卡先生说,“我们并不太有内疚感。为给你提供工作机会的人去工作难道有错吗?” The comforts and convenience found in most japanese cities are hard to come by in the industrial district on the outskirts of dongguan where mr. oka and mr. aida live , 100 kilometers , or 60 miles , north of hong kong . 在香港北面100公里,或者说60英里的东莞郊区的工业区里生活,奥卡先生和会田先生发现,这里很难找到在日本大多数城市都有的舒适、方便的生活条件。 Next I wonder if the woman in my book would be in receipt of the oka catalogue and whether any of its bootroomia could find its way into my book ? 接下来我就寻思,我书中的这个女人是否收到了oka目录,它的靴室是否进到了我的书中?