Nigel 双语例句
Would you get in the front now , nigel ? 你能坐到前面来吗,奈杰尔? Acting chief inspector nigel whitehouse said the public had made a very important contribution to solving a number of recent crimes . 代理总检察官nigelwhitehouse表示,公众对解决近期的许多案件作做出了重要的贡献。 A great deal has been lost since nigel lawson simplified taxation in the 1980s . 自从上世纪80年代尼格尔劳森(nigellawson)简化税制以来,大量税收已经流失。 Nigel is temperamental but he 's very highly strung , you know . 奈杰变化无常,但你知道他是很容易激动的。 Nigel is our new next-door neighbour . 奈吉尔是我们新搬来的隔壁邻居。