Nic 双语例句
I am talking to you , nic vos ! 我跟你说,尼克沃斯! Foundations : what are nic , mac and arp ? 计算机网络基础:什么是nicmac和arp? The nic does not pretend to have all the answers . 美国国家情报委员会没有假装知道所有的答案。 That 's because he did not know he was eating msg and other glutamates : like everyone else who complains of allergy or adverse reactions to msg , nic has psyched himself into believing that the benign substance makes him feel bad . 原因在于他不知道自己吃了味精或其他谷氨酸:像其他任何一个抱怨对味精过敏或有不良反应的人一样,尼克已经神经过敏了,误以为这种良性物质会让自己感到不舒服。 The nic identifies a second shift from the state to the individual . nic发现了这一由政府到个人的第二种权力转移。