Natalie 双语例句
Natalie erdossy is one of those donors . 娜塔莉.尔多西是一个捐赠者。 Natalie agreed that discontinuing the moon was an act of oppression . 娜塔莉看法是“让月亮消失”是一个欺压行为。 Terry took down email addresses , and natalie and I talked up the crowd . 特里写下相关的电子邮件地址,娜塔莉和我则负责动员人们。 Inspire your cooking . This is another kitchen designed by natalie du bois . 激发你的烹饪灵感.这是由娜塔莉杜波伊斯设计的另一个厨房。 Natalie met us there , with carrots and hummus from the apartment . 娜塔莉在那里迎接我们,还拿着从公寓里拿出的胡萝卜和鹰嘴豆泥。