Mubarak 双语例句
Mubarak then jailed him for more than three years . 穆巴拉克之后把他关在监狱里超过三年。 President hosni mubarak , now 82 , has recently suffered bouts of ill health . 总统hosnimubarak现今已经82岁,最近正遭受疾病发作的影响。 Although they discreetly backed the overthrow of muammar qaddafi in libya because his regime seemed even more dangerous than the alternative , they viewed the fall of mr mubarak as a disaster . 尽管他们背后支持推翻叙利亚穆阿迈尔卡扎菲的统治,因为该统治存在似乎比推翻更可怕,他们也认为穆阿迈尔倒台是一场灾难。 Close friends of the mubarak government also prosper . 穆巴拉克政府的朋友们也都鸡犬升天了。 It froze the bank accounts of ben ali and mubarak . 他冻结了本阿里和穆巴拉克的银行账户。