Motorola 双语例句
Do we expect motorola to be an independent company ? 我们认为摩托罗拉会保持独立吗? And there 's a good argument that the motorola patent portfolio is a better portfolio . 但有这么一个观点,说摩托罗拉的专利组合比北电网络的还要好。 The new ios 7 operating system and the unparalleled retail distribution of are going to crush motorola . iPhone的新款iOS7操作系统以及无与伦比的零售分销将秒杀摩托罗拉。 Motorola , is no slouch when it comes to patents and has sued back . 不过涉及到专利时,摩托罗拉公司可不是笨蛋,它已经提起过反诉了。 First of all , there are likely to be substantial layoffs once motorola is absorbed into google . 首先,一旦摩托罗拉并入谷歌,很可能发生大规模裁员。