Monica 双语例句
* In the midst of the monica lewinsky scandal , bill clinton sought advice from jobs . " *比尔•克林顿陷入莫妮卡•莱温斯基性丑闻事件之后,曾向乔布斯寻求建议。 Instead you told me monica was pregnant ? 于是你告诉我莫妮卡怀孕了? Monica did the only thing she could do : she fled . 最后莫尼卡做了一件她唯一能做的事:她逃走了。 Monica won 't take this away . 这件事摩妮卡不会反悔的。 He took the high school equivalency exam at age 14 and began attending santa monica city college . 他14岁的时候参加高中毕业考试,然后就进了圣莫尼卡市学院读大学。