Mog 双语例句
Mog is third-tier to rhapsody and spotify . MOG排在Rhapsody和Spotify之后,属于数字音乐服务领域的第三梯队。 With mog , htc and beats may very well be able to lend it to them . MOG、宏达电和Beats三者都极有可能向消费者“借出”音乐。 Plus , mog 's business is still small compared to spotify . 此外,与流媒体音乐网站Spotify相比,MOG的业务仍然小得不足挂齿。 If a deal for mog materializes , how would htc benefit ? 如果真的收购MOG,宏达电会有什么好处? * Critically-acclaimed music streaming startup mog is reportedly for sale . *据称,备受赞誉的音乐流媒体初创公司Mog正在谋求出售。