Moe 双语例句
Moe directions for subsidizing professionals in innovating student affairs and student . 教育部补助私立大学校院学生事务与辅导创新工作。 Moe subsidy insurance guidelines for assisting students at private institutions of higher learning . 教育部补助私立大专校院办理学生团体保险作业原则。 News : moe : schools should actively take students ` temperatures as h1n1 arrives . 新流感来袭,教育部:学校应主动为学生量体温。 Moe pressman 's wallet was stolen when he was playing pinochle last night . 莫普莱斯曼昨晚玩扑克牌的时候,钱包被偷了。 Moe directions for subsidizing professionals in innovating student affairs and student counseling among private universities and colleges . 教育部补助私立大学校院学生事务与辅导创新工作专业人力要点。