Maye 双语例句
“ Spike ” on Hong Kong gang boss Maye Group , an international police wanted to escape to the island temple Masquerade . 《狼牙》讲述香港黑帮集团老大马爷为躲避国际警察通缉来到离岛寺庙避世。 Maye \' s brood of Elon , kimbal , and Tosca got along well , but each had his or her own personality quirks . 梅耶的三个孩子埃隆、金巴尔和托斯卡相处得非常融洽,但他们都有自己的性格怪癖。 All her family were good people , and after she left us , her daughter Maye Hightower came to work for Mother and stayed thirty more years until Mother died . 她全家人都心地善良。她走后,她女儿梅耶。海塔尔又来替母亲干活儿,而且一待就是30多年,直到把母亲送走为止。