Marseilles 双语例句
A big rally is planned in marseilles at the weekend . 按计划一个大型竞选集会将于本周末在马赛举行。 He thundered in marseilles recently . 他最近在马赛怒喝道。 The group of children from paris reached marseilles by the rh ne valley . 巴黎的儿童十字军则穿过罗纳河谷抵达马赛港。 Some took his sensible advice , but many marched or rode south to marseilles . 有些孩子接受了这个明智的建议,然而仍有很多人步行或者骑行到了马赛。 There are train connections to all other parts of france and the tgv from marseilles makes the trip to paris in just three hours . 那里有火车链接直接去法国其他所有的地方,还有巴黎至里昂间高速火车,从马赛到巴黎仅仅只需要三个小时。