Marco 双语例句
Marco , why are we watching this ? marco我们干吗要看这玩意儿? Marco polo brought pasta to italy from china . 马可波罗把面条从中国带到了意大利。 This guest post was written by marco adragna of the even happier blog . 这个帖子是由更快乐博客的访客马可阿德拉尼亚发表的。 Marco roth cannot quite recall how his father told him he was dying of aids . 马尔科.罗斯,已经记不太清父亲是如何告诉他会因艾滋病而慢慢死去。 Mexican referee marco rodriguez was the culprit . 墨西哥裁判马克罗德里格斯成了罪魁祸首。