- n. 马六甲海峡(在亚洲东南部马来半岛和印度尼西亚的苏门答腊岛之间,沟通太平洋和印度洋)
- adj. 用马六甲白藤做的
Malacca 双语例句
The malacca dilemma will remain . 马六甲困局仍将存在。 As much as a third of the world 's trade passes through the malacca strait . 将近有三分之一的全球贸易运输通过马六甲海峡。 Joint air and sea patrols involving malaysia , indonesia and singapore target piracy in the malacca strait , for example . 比如,马来西亚、印度尼西亚和新加坡参与的联合空中和海上巡逻重点打击马六甲海峡的海盗活动。 More than four-fifths of crude oil bound for china crosses the indian ocean before passing through the narrow malacca strait . 运往中国的原油,有超过五分之四需要经过印度洋,然后再通过狭窄的马六甲海峡。 Another area of possible miscalculation might be the malacca strait , through which most of china 's oil passes . 另一个有可能造成错误判断的地区是马六甲海峡,中国的石油运输大部分要跨过这个海峡。