Mahal 双语例句
Like most visitors to northern india , I visited the taj mahal . 像大多数前往印度北方的游客一样,我游览了泰姬陵。 A man waves a flag outside the taj mahal hotel 一个男子在泰姬玛哈酒店外挥舞旗帜 India has used bollywood glamour to promote the taj mahal . 印度是利用宝莱坞(bollywood)魅力来宣传泰姬陵(tajmahal)的。 The thickness of hawa mahal is less than even a foot . 哈瓦马哈尔的厚度小于连脚。 Clinton was in the country to sign an agreement with india promoting environmental awareness and protecting a forest close to the taj mahal . 克林顿来此与印度签订一个协议,提高对环境的关注度,保护泰姬陵附近的森林。