Maggie 双语例句
One evening , I was setting the table , a neighbor lady maggie came to our house . 有一天黄昏,我正在布置餐桌,一个邻居的妇人玛姬忽然来我们家。 She looked at maggie , thought that two children have grown up to mother should know these . 她看着玛姬,以为两个孩子都已长大的母亲应该懂得这些。 The misery : maggie 's life ain 't no bed of roses . 悲剧:麦琪的生活并不顺心。 The strategy is centered on sellers such as tang fengyan , 35 , who goes by the english name maggie . 这个战略关键点在于像汤风腌这样的卖家,汤风腌,35岁,他有个英文名字玛吉。 Maggie answered , she apparently did not understand my mother why in this way to express the importance of family . 玛姬回答,她显然并不了解我的母亲为何用这种方式来表示家人的重要性。