Lucknow 双语例句
Raj babbar also tried his luck once from lucknow but in vain . 拉吉巴巴尔卡也曾经试图从他的运气,但在勒克瑙徒劳。 Lucknow is one constituency that has given a prime minister to the country . 勒克瑙是一个选区已给予该国总理。 Indian scientist ashok sahni from the university of lucknow found the amber while looking for other fossils . 勒克瑙大学印度科学家ashoksahni在寻找其它化石时发现了那些琥珀。 Earthquake , was felt in the indian capital new delhi , many eastern and northern cities such as calcutta and lucknow and others have obvious or strongly felt . 地震发生时,印度首都新德里有明显震感,东部和北部很多城市如加尔各答和勒克瑙等都有明显或强烈震感。 " It is very natural for any stone idol to absorb any liquid and the older the stone the more it absorbs , " m. p. singh , a geology professor at lucknow university , said . 勒克瑙大学的地质学教授辛格议员说:“其实,石头神像吸收液体是个很自然的现象,而且,石头的年龄越长,吸收的液体会越多。”