Lovejoy 双语例句
Whatever you do , don 't mention ' 'mr. lovejoy . ' ' You got that ? 你说什么都不要提“勒沃乔伊先生”,你知道了吗? Custom manufactured valves and fittings from lovejoy chaplet corporation . 从洛夫乔伊项圈公司制造的阀门和配件。 Jack : that guy lovejoy put it in my pocket . 杰克:拉夫恰那家伙把它放在我衣袋里的. ' 'mr. Lovejoy . ' ' Was good . I 'll call buddy and set up a meeting . “勒沃乔伊先生”真是不错,你们去和巴迪谈一谈。 " The forest eventually converts to cerrado ( the brazilian savanna ) after a lot of fire , human misery , loss of biodiversity and emission of carbon into the atmosphere , " said lovejoy . 洛夫乔伊还说,“经历了多次火灾,人类的折磨、生物多样性的丧失、碳排放进入大气层,森林最终将变成塞拉多(巴西大草原)。”