Lis 双语例句
There computer miss lis desk . 在李老师的书桌上没有电脑。 The boy who played the piano on the stage yesterday is mr. lis s on . 昨天在台上弹钢琴的那个男孩儿是李先生的儿子。 The lis take spring festival traditions more seriously than most , or so mr. li my father-in-law tells me . 李家比大多数人家更加重视春节,我的岳父李先生告诉我。 The lis have not been able to block change , but they appear to have succeeded in watering down a more radical reform plan proposed last year . 虽然李家不能阻止变革,但是他们看上去已经成功削弱了去年提出的一个更激进的改革计划。 Because kedong is a small town , the lis are a big family , and almost all of them live here , family members drop in and out of the house constantly and seemingly at random . 因为克东是一个小县城,并且李家是一个大家庭,因为大部分家人都住得很近,因此家人们之间都会持续不断地,也好像很随意地过来拜访。