Kramer 双语例句
Kramer is a general partner of the hedge fund boston provident , lp . 克雷默是对冲基金BostonProvidentLP公司的一般合伙人。 Kramer , is this another of your tricks ? 克雷默这是你玩的小把戏么? Kramer , you wanna goto the party together ? 克莱默,要跟我一块去吗? But rather than replace kramer , the web has deepened her conversations with patients . 网络让她和患者的谈话更深入而不是取代kramer。 A psychiatrist , peter d. kramer , recounts the effect the drug had on some of his patients . 精神病专家彼得d克拉默详细描述了这些药物在他的一些病人身上所起的作用。