Joanne 双语例句
Joanne salley is living proof that bad things happen to good people . 乔安妮莎莉就是一个活生生的例子不幸的事情总是发生在好人身上。 Joanne 's normally bright and sunny face darkens when she recalls the episode . 当她发掘那部分的回忆时,乔安妮自然亮丽明媚的脸庞阴了下来。 Joanne webster of imperial college , london , has been studying toxoplasma for years . 伦敦帝国大学的乔安妮韦伯斯特(joannewebster)从事弓形虫研究多年。 For a time joanne felt close to suicide and was kept in the medical centre for a week . 那会儿乔安妮有股自杀的冲动,被关在医务室足足有一星期。 Joanne hasn 't seen or spoken to the photography mistress since the scandal broke . 自从那次的丑闻爆发后,乔安妮一直都没有和那位摄影女教师说过话,也没有见过她。