Jarvis 双语例句
By contrast , jarvis approaches these questions with delight . 相比之下,贾维斯却以轻松的心态来看待这些问题。 Maybe we are looking through the wrong end of the telescope , jarvis writes . 贾维斯写到,或许我们看待问题的角度刚好颠倒了。 Two years ago jarvis launched a system-wide climate change response program . 两年前,jarvis开始运作一个全系统气候变化反应项目。 But jarvis 's success soon turned to failure-at least in her own eyes . 但是很快jarvis的成功走向了失败至少在她自己眼中。 And anna jarvis , one might imagine , continues rolling in her grave . annajarvis,可以想象,仍然会在她的坟墓里抗议。