Janpan 双语例句
Import from Janpan and germany ? Why ? Your country \'s clothing machine is advanced , why use imported machine ? 从日本德国进口?为什么?你们国家的服装设备够先进了,为什么用进口设备? Have you ever been in the Janpan before ? 你以前去过日本吗? I \'m traveling first class to Janpan ! 我将要坐头等舱去日本旅行! We take the liberty to introduce ourselves as exporters of silk piece goods , which we have been exporting to Europe and Janpan . 我们冒昧地向你方介绍,我们经营丝绸产品,并出口欧洲和日本。 Our products have reached the international supreme grade in quality available for USA , Janpan , Australia and other advanced countries\'standards and all be non-seal welded . 公司联合企业的产品质量达到国际最高级别,并做到全部无焊接,可执行美国、英国、日本、澳大利亚等先进标准。