ICC 双语例句
The icc must decide whether to indict the suspects . 国际刑事法庭必须决定是否起诉这些嫌犯。 South korea signed the treaty backing the icc in 2002 . 韩国于2002年签署了支持成立icc的协议。 Winners of the 3rd icc international commercial mediation competition . 第三届国际商会国际商事仲裁竞赛决出优胜者。 So if within a year or so they turn to the icc , then that will be a sign that the palestinian authority does not believe that a fresh american-led initiative is coming . 所以,如果在一年左右的时间内他们求助于国际法庭,那么那将是一个信号,表明巴勒斯坦政权不认为美国领导的新行动即将到来。 So this week icc officials have been gently pushing back . 因此,国际刑事法庭的官员们在本周被非洲人委婉地回绝了。