Hous 双语例句
The girls nabbed the best seats in the hous . 那些女孩抢到了戏院内最好的座位。 We drove from house to hous , knocking on doors , ready to begin our mission . 我们驱车挨门逐户拜访,一家一家地敲门,准备开始我们的任务。 The hous hasn 't been occupiedby anyone for a few months . 这幢房子已终有几个月没人住了。 I 'm gonna take youto grandma 's hous e , okay ? 我带你去外婆家,好吗? In some large cities , many couples have to double up in one tiny apartment because of the hous . 在一些大都市里,因住房紧张,许多对夫妇不得不挤在一套小公寓里。