Hongkong 双语例句
Many stubbornly insist on calling it " hongkong bank " . 许多人顽固地将其称为“香港银行”。 Also , I hope he did not expel hongkong outside . 同时,我希望马不要把香港剔除出中国。 Finally , the three of us made it to the other hongkong electric boat with the help of some passengers on that boat . 最后,在另一艘港灯集团客船上乘客的帮助下,我们三个人最终上了那艘船。 For years , indeed , the hongkong and shanghai bank acted as the colony 's de facto central bank . 多年以来,汇丰银行事实上执行的是央行的职能。 Cki is increasingly relying on overseas acquisitions to offset slowing growth at hongkong electric , its local electricity operation . 长江基建越来越依赖于海外收购来抵消旗下本土电力公司港灯集团(hongkongelectric)增长放缓的影响。