Honeywell 双语例句
Honeywell 's quarterly profit rose 11 % . 霍尼韦尔季度利润上涨了11%。 Honeywell , the us industrial group , highlighted sales of truck components such as turbochargers as a particular area of strength . 美国工业集团霍尼韦尔(honeywell)指出,涡轮增压器等卡车配件的销量增长特别强劲。 Honeywell in october estimated that 600 to 650 new business jets would be delivered industrywide last year , down from 732 in 2010 because of global economic weakness . 去年10月,霍尼韦尔估计,去年整个行业交付的新商务机数量在600至650架之间,低于2010年的732架,这主要是全球经济疲软造成的。 Many of them -- ranging from manufacturers honeywell international inc. ( hon ) and caterpillar inc. ( cat ) to drug maker abbott laboratories ( abt ) -- raised their earnings forecasts for later in the year . 许多公司提高了下半年的盈利预期,其中包括制造商霍尼韦尔(honeywellinternationalinc.)和卡特彼勒公司(caterpillarinc.)以及制药商雅培制药(abbottlaboratories)。 Honeywell 's mr. greer estimates that the country has about 1000 business and general-aviation aircraft , compared with roughly 225000 in the u. s. 据霍尼韦尔的亚太区总裁高博安估计,目前中国商务机和通用机加起来不过1000架左右,而美国则有约225000架。