Hogwarts 双语例句
Each of the four hogwarts houses has its own ghost . 霍格沃茨的四个学院都有自己的幽灵。 A gigantic flagship floated in the air above hogwarts . 一艘巨大无比的旗舰就漂浮在霍格沃兹的上空。 Is this the platform to hogwarts ? 这是去霍格华兹的站台吗? Flying a car to hogwarts ! 开汽车飞到霍格沃茨! Harry heard from hogwarts one sunny morning about a week after he had arrived at the burrow . 到陋居大约一星期后,在一个晴朗的早晨,哈利收到了霍格沃茨的来信。