Hiphop 双语例句
Synopsis : two robots meet in a city and engage in a street battle with hiphop music and break dancing . 故事梗概:两个机器人在城市相遇,在嘻哈音乐和街舞中上演了一场街头斗殴。 Some suggested activities are sports like badminton , volleyball , and swimming , dancing like belly dancing , hiphop , and ballroom dancing , and the famous pilates and yoga . 有些人建议的活动如羽毛球,排球,游泳运动,喜欢肚皮舞,街舞,交谊舞和舞蹈,以及著名的普拉提和瑜伽。 The usa pavilion will also featuer an array of american cultural performers -- from blue grass to hiphop , to jazz to classical music . 美国馆还将以大量的美国文化表演者为特色从蓝草、嘻哈、爵士到古典音乐。