Himalayas 双语例句
We mountaineers decided to attempt an escape over the towering himalayas . 我们决定尝试登上高耸的喜马拉雅山逃生。 The two fought a 1962 war over disputed borders in the himalayas , which beijing won . 1962年,两国因在喜马拉雅山脉的边境争端而陷入战争,中国最终获得了胜利。 China describes the relationship across the himalayas as " very fragile " and not easily repaired once damaged . 中国将喜马拉雅山两侧这两个国家的关系形容为“十分脆弱”,一旦破坏就不容易修复。 A chinese-looking archway welcomes travellers to tawang district , and from here on are views of snow-capped peaks and the himalayas proper . 有扇中国式拱门迎接来到达旺的游客们,从此处望去白雪皑皑的山峰和喜马拉雅山尽收眼底。 The two asian giants , separated by the himalayas , share some population dilemmas but have different approaches towards family planning . 由喜马拉雅山分隔开的两个亚洲巨人都有相同的人口问题,但对于计划生育却有不同的方法。