Haneda 双语例句
I 'd like to have a helicopter waiting at west haneda . 请派一架直升机在西羽田机场候令。 Can we tell it with chairman haneda ? 我们能把它告诉主席haneda? The main carriers use haneda , which is closer to the capital and cheaper . 主流航空公司会使用羽田机场,这里离首都近些,来往也便宜些。 Haneda airport should be used for international flights , at least between 11pm and 6 am , when narita is under curfew . 羽田机场应该用于国际航班,至少是在晚上11点至早上6点之间成田机场宵禁之时。 The flight video , from seattle to haneda and recorded by ana , was put onto ustream . 由ana录制的从西雅图到羽田的飞机视频,将放到ustream网站上。