Godzilla 双语例句
Godzilla is going to war with mothra and it promises to be very interesting to watch ! 两大商业怪兽即将进行的碰撞将会非常有意思。 Radiation from nuclear detonations morphed a small lizard into godzilla . 核爆炸产生的辐射还使一只小蜥蜴变异成了怪兽哥斯拉。 In fact , godzilla is such a celebrity that he even has his own hollywood star . 实际上,酷斯拉实在是太出名了,它甚至成为了好莱坞明星。 It 's godzilla , king kong and frankenstein all in one . 就好像哥吉拉,金刚和科学怪人都混在了一起。 But the early " godzilla " films were earnest and hard-hitting . 但是早期的《哥斯拉》电影其实是严肃认真的,而且掷地有声。