Frida 双语例句
You really want this baby , frida ? 你真的想要这个孩子吗,弗里达? It hasn 't discussed availability or cost either , emphasizing that frida is a concept . 它从未讨论可行性或是价格,而重在强调frida是一个概念机器人。 Designed for assembly applications , frida is capable of using its human-like arms to grasp and manipulate electronic components and other small parts . 设计用来装配产品,frida可以使用它的人形手臂来抓取或是操纵电子零件和其他部件。 Regardless , salma hayek still looks stunning and is forever the great actress for her portrayal of frida kahlo . 无论如何,萨尔玛哈耶克看起来仍然令人震惊,是因为她永远弗里达卡萝描绘伟大的女演员。 Frida kahlo : a mexican painter , and perhaps best known for her self-portraits . 弗里达卡罗:墨西哥画家,以自画像著名。