Facetime 双语例句
Munster thinks the TV will include Siri and FaceTime features but not unbundled channels . 蒙斯特认为,电视将包含Siri和FaceTime的功能,但不会有独立销售的电视频道。 We protect personal conversations by providing end-to-end encryption over IMessage and FaceTime . 我们在iMessage和FaceTime上提供点对点加密,以此保护私人谈话。 Kids can talk or Skype or FaceTime with their relatives all over the world on Christmas Day . 孩子们可以通过Skype或者Facetime在圣诞节这天与世界各地的亲人聊天。 It has a wide range of applications , such as video surveillance , FaceTime , information security . 它在视频监控、信息安全和视频通话等领域具有广泛的应用。 50 million users have downloaded Skype \' s iPhone product since the release of Apple \' s FaceTime . 自从苹果发布Facetime以来,已有5,000万用户下载了Skype的iPhone应用软件。