Elysee 双语例句
It has been seventeen years since a socialist party president resided in the elysee palace . 上次,法国社会党总统入住爱丽舍宫已是十七年前的事了。 Neither the elysee palace nor senior ministers denied the claims . 爱丽舍宫和法国多名高级部长都没有否认此事。 Finally the author propose the future mode of auto product though the experience of the dpca elysee project . 最后作者还通过神龙公司爱丽舍项目开发组织实践的总结,提出了今后产品项目开发模式的建议。 The elysee palace is reflected in a guard 's helmet during a ceremony in paris thursday . 上周四在巴黎举行的某仪式上,卫队士兵的头盔映出爱丽舍宫的影像。 An elysee palace statement confirmed the split , which was widely reported in banner headlines of french newspapers and magazines . 爱丽舍宫的一份声明证实了总统夫妇分手的消息,这个消息成为法国各家报纸杂志的头号标题。