Dou 双语例句
In an interview with the financial times , mr dou insisted his only motivation was to " serve the truth " . 在接受英国《金融时报》采访时,窦含章坚称自己的唯一动机就是“揭露真相”。 I think that this is a painful moment in the small dou . 我想,那一刻的小豆豆该是多痛苦。 When he made it to changban bridge with ah dou , he had no strength left at all . 赵云带着阿斗逃回长坂桥的时候,累得一点力气也没有了。 Mr. dou asked angrily , " why have you been watching tv all the day ? " 豆先生生气地问:“你为什么一整天都在看电视?” Summer arrives , willow dou re bending the waist , cicada also hot straight singing , jumping to jump every day even to little brother of quiet calm down desolate and out-of-the-way deserted . 夏天到了,柳树都热弯了腰,蝉也热的直鸣,就连天天蹦来蹦去的小弟弟也安静冷静荒僻冷僻下来。