Donnie 双语例句
It didn \'t hurt , though , that his older brother Donnie was a member of the boy group sensation New Kids on the Block . 他的大哥唐尼是轰动一时的男孩组合“新街边仔”的一员,这对他还是有好处的。 Later that night , preparing to question Anderson , county deputy sheriff Donnie Taylor recalled hearing stories of Anderson \'s earlier threats , abductions and assaults . 那晚深夜,准备提审安德森时,县副警长唐尼•泰勒想起以前曾听说的那些有关安德森的种种恶行,恐吓、劫持和殴打等等。 Conjoined twins Ronnie and Donnie Galyon , 59 , of Ohio , finally have something they have sought for years : a comfortable bed , the Dayton Daily News reported . 美国《代顿每日新闻报》消息,美国俄亥俄州59岁的连体双胞胎朗尼•盖里昂和唐尼•盖里昂终于获得了他们蒙昧以求的东西:一张舒适的床。 Billups is the team next season \'s contract option , the Knicks president Donnie Walsh said the Knicks will wait until the end of the season to make the decision on the contract with Billups . 比卢普斯下赛季的合同是球队选项,尼克斯总裁唐尼-沃尔什表示,尼克斯会等到赛季结束后对比卢普斯的合同做出决定。 T : Donnie , Oh , he \'s amazing . 甄子丹,恩,他非常棒。