Dion 双语例句
I want to stay with dion and leo . 我想与迪翁和利奥待在一块儿. You and dion partners ? 你跟狄恩是同伙吗? ' There has definitely been an effect on our sales , but we can 't give any specifics until our figures come out on tuesday , ' said dion corbett , a tokyo-based spokesman . 丰田驻东京发言人科比特(dioncorbett)说:我们的销售肯定受到了影响,但在周二数据出炉之前,我们不能披露任何具体情况。 Do you know leo and dion , too ? 你也认识利奥和迪翁吗? More than celine dion ? 比席琳迪翁还要重要?