Demons 双语例句
It was the place of all the demons . 也就是所有恶魔的聚集之所。 Other demons are jangling america 's nerves . 眼下其他恶魔般的国家令美国十分烦躁。 Demons can unleash arcane energies in physics as well as fantasy . 恶魔可以开发物理上的神秘能量以及幻想。 Every day they closed in , like possessed demons , until I lost my job . 每天他们在关门的时候进来,就像恶魔一样,直到我失去了工作。 Roberts actually does a great acting job and we get to struggle with his personal demons alongside him . 事实上,罗伯特表演出色,我们都感受到了他与内心恶魔的一番斗争。