Deloitte 双语例句
So you 'll see dell ( dell ) , deloitte , and emc ( emc ) there . 所以,大家会看到戴尔(Dell)、德勤(Deloitte)和EMC。 For me , I at least had a safety net back at deloitte . “而我至少还在德勤公司拥有一份安稳的工作。 Secrets to impressing their recruiters : " it is important for candidates to do their homework about deloitte . 求职秘诀:“对应聘者来说,先做好关于德勤公司的功课非常重要。 Now consider the style of the deloitte memo . 现在,看看德勤这份备忘录的风格。 Deloitte access economics believes this investment surge will ebb in two years . 而deloitteaccesseconomics咨询机构认为矿业投资的热潮将在两年内衰退。