Dady 双语例句
My hero is thoes dogs who saved my dady . 我的英雄是那些曾救我爸爸的雪橇犬。 You are the best dady in the world . 你是世界上最好的父亲。 Kathleen wohlgemuth , administrator of dady 's program , said 33 suicides have been officially declared in westmoreland county so far in 2010 . kathleenwohlgemuth,达迪项目的管理员,说到2010年目前为止威斯特摩兰县官方定义的自杀事件有33例。 I can 't find my dady ! 我找不到爸爸了! Dady don 't want his children in hardship like that . 爸爸不想他的孩子像那样艰难。