Cong 双语例句
Cong said her agency has yet to receive an application from a man . 丛说,她公司到现在才接到了一份男性的应聘请求。 Mr cong said the priority was to expand further on the mainland , but icbc also has full backing from beijing to expand overseas . 丛林表示,优先目标是在中国大陆进一步扩张,但工行还得到北京方面的全力支持,进军海外。 One scholar , cong cao , argues that the country faces a future of " premature senility " . 学者congcao说中国面临着一个“早衰”的未来。 Xiong , the former office worker , was trying to be upbeat while she trained at cong 's agency , where maids practiced their skills in a large kitchen and a model luxury apartment with a bedroom and bathroom . 以前做办公室工作的熊女士积极努力,她在丛女士的家政公司里接受培训,在那里家政人员要学会在功能庞杂的厨房里工作,还要熟悉标准的带有一卧一卫的豪华公寓布置。